149 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. Thanks for following my blog, I appreciate that! I hope you’ll enjoy my pictures- and that maybe, now and then, they’ll give you some design ideas. FATman


  2. You have a wide range of interests. It’s great to see someone explore their inner world as much as their outer world.

    Thanks for following Tales of Dragons, Rabbits, and Roosters.


  3. Really great work, TanuDi. You are miles ahead of me in PS skills but enjoy what I do and am learning more all the time.


  4. Sdrawei Tany and thank you for following my blog. You have a wonderfully creative and fascinating blog here. It will be a pleasure to browse.

    Iain 🙂


  5. HI I am just stopping by to let you know that I have nominated you for the Wonderful team member readership award.

    Thank you


  6. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and liking posts. Both are much appreciated. You do beautiful work. I look forward to seeing more! Please stop by and visit my blog again soon! Robyn


  7. Thank you so much for visiting and liking my page!! I’m very honoured! I will read yours with interest, too!
    Thank you again 😀


  8. Hello again for the second time today, Tany. Thanks for liking my membership pages post. I just noticed that someone nominated your blog for an award. Congratulations! And this time I will greet you with Merry Christmas! 🙂


  9. Thank you for the follow and likes on my post. You have a great blog and glad to be a follower. 🙂


  10. Wow, if I ever need any help with graphic art stuff, I know where to come! Thanks so much for following my blog! Have a great day! 😀


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